Diabetes prevents the body from efficiently processing sugar into the fuel we need to function every day. There are two major types of diabetes, called Type One and Type Two. Type One used to be called "juvenile diabetes" and it affects about two million Americans. It can show up at any time, but it appears primarily in children, adolescents and young adults. Type Two diabetes, which used to be called adult onset diabetes, makes up the vast majority of cases. The main reason for the rise in Type Two diabetes is the increase in adults and children who are overweight. What Happens When Someone Has Diabetes? When we eat, the body breaks the food down into individual nutrients including a sugar called glucose, which is the main source of energy for the body. Glucose is carried in the bloodstream to all the cells so that it can nourish them. But, glucose can not pass into cells without the help of a hormone called insulin. Insulin acts as the catalyst that opens a "doorway" in cells and allows glucose to enter. Diabetics suffer from insufficient levels of insulin or insulin that doesn't work effectively on a daily basis. For Type One diabetics, their bodies don't create any or, at least, not enough insulin to regulate sugars. This is why diabetics can develop extremely high levels of glucose in the blood. For many Type Two diabetics, the disease begins in adulthood when their cells develop a resistance to insulin. Typically this resistance triggers the pancreas to create more insulin to handle the rise in blood sugar but over time in some people, the pancreas tires out and slows the production of insulin or even stops producing it all together. What Are The Symptoms Of Diabetes? The primary symptoms for both types of diabetes are thirst and frequent urination. Other symptoms of diabetes include weight loss, blurred vision and fatigue. Sometimes these warning signs become apparent after a flu-like illness. Complications of Diabetes If left untreated, diabetes can cause a number of serious conditions, including kidney damage, increased risk of heart attack and stroke, gangrene of limbs, blindness, coma and even death. Treating & Managing Diabetes The one thing all diabetics share is the need to manage their blood sugar levels. An imbalance of blood sugar one way or the other can lead to severe reactions—too little sugar can result in tremors or loss of consciousness. Too much sugar can lead to organ damage or coma. Here are some ways you can easily manage your blood sugar:What Is Diabetes?
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