Skin Cancer Is Skin Cancer?
The term skin cancer is used to describe a number of different cancerous conditions that affect the skin. There are two main categories of skin cancer: melanoma and non-melanoma cancers. Non-melanoma cases are the most common and the most curable types of skin cancer. Melanoma, though also curable w hen caught early, is the deadliest form of skin cancer.

Types of Skin Cancer

There are a few different types of non-Melanoma skin cancers. Melanoma is in a class all on its own.

Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers

Basal Cell Carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma starts in the lowest layer of the epidermis, the basal layer. It is responsible for three out of four skin cancer cases, usually affecting areas maximally exposed to the sun, like the face. The most common forms look like small firm pale bumps, or a raised spot that is pearly and pink or reddish in color. These cancers spread slowly and respond very well to treatment.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma. This cancer also begins in the epidermis, but in the top layer. These look like lumps, with reddish and rougher surfaces and can start in the same areas of the body as the basal cell cancers.

A big difference between these two skin cancers is that squamous cell is more likely to spread, making it a bigger threat to your overall health.


Melanoma is also related to sun exposure but more so with a history of a bad sunburn in areas like the back and lower legs. This is much less common than basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, but melanoma is much more serious. What makes it so dangerous is the fact that it is more likely to spread to other organs in the body and can actually lead to death.

Melanoma starts in melanocytes, the cells that produce the color in skin. These cells make you tan or freckle in the summer and often, but not always, turn cancer cells brown or black, which is actually good. This way, you can spot this cancer before it's too late.

Preventing Skin Cancer

The reason the sun is harmful to your skin is because it contains dangerous ultraviolet light, or UV rays. Here are some ways to protect yourself and your children from these rays.

Stay Out Of The Sun For Extended Periods Of Time. This is especially important during the peak hours between 10 AM and 4PM. Remember, the UV rays are just as powerful on cloudy days as they are on sunny days.

Use Sunscreen Daily. Use a "broad spectrum" sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher. Fair-skinned people should use SPF 30 or higher. Apply sunscreen 20 to 30 minutes before going outside and re-apply every 2 hours.

Wear Protective Clothing. This can include wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, and clothing with a tight weave fabric. Also, darker colors will offer more protection.

Get To Know Your Skin. Check your skin for any changes, especially in moles and freckles. There are specific variables you should be aware of, which can be easily identified using the ABCDEs.

What Are The ABCDEs?

This is a simple way for you to remember what to look for in changes in your skin.

A. Stands for 'Asymmetry.' - Does your freckly or mole look uneven?

B. Stands for 'Border Irregularity.' - Are the edges irregular?

C. Stands for 'Color Variation.' - Are you seeing multiple colors within the lesion?

D. Stands for 'Diameter.' - Is it wider than 6 mm?

E. Stands for 'Enlargement' or 'Evolution.' - Is the color, size or symptom changed?

Treating Skin Cancer

The good news is that skin cancer, when detected early, is very curable. This includes melanoma.

If you spot any changes in your skin as described above, you should call your doctor. He or she may perform a biopsy to confirm the presence of skin cancer.

Treatment of skin cancer may include minor or office surgery, or something more extensive like radiation or chemotherapy. It depends on the type and stage of the skin cancer you have.

Some skin cancers are recurrent, even if already treated. So it's important to perform regular self-skin exams, especially if you've been diagnosed with skin cancer in the past.

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